Monday, September 20, 2010


Today we saw Pipa (pronounced pee-pa) and its heartbeat. Sigh....
I feel some relief. I also feel more nausea. Not that I'm complaining...yet.

Pipa is measuring well based on the calendar. We get to see her/him again October 1.

BTW, Pipa is what we call our embryo since it means fruit seed (or pit!) in Spanish. Someone told me that language is discernable in utero. We have been speaking more and more Spanish in our home in hopes that Pipa can start learning it.


  1. Oh YAY!! Congratulations on seeing a heartbeat! Must feel so much more real now. xox

  2. it does feel a bit more real. interesting how the pukiness feels stronger too. could be all in my head?

  3. That's cool that you're going to start the second language while your little one is still inside! We're trying hard to get our Bee to be bilingual too (English and Italian) - gives them such a headstart with languages. Wishing you a safe and uneventful pregnancy! ICLW

  4. Yay for Pipa :) and yay for a heartbeat!
