Monday, August 23, 2010

Superstitious? Me?

Yes. Very. I won't fly on Friday the 13th. I refuse to walk under scaffolding due to it's resemblance to a ladder. I blame my unexplained infertilty on having chosen children's names years ago. I spend my days reading signs, over-analyzing possible meanings and how to prevent doom.

So, you can only imagine my disappointment upon hearing today's news report about a major egg recall. What??? Bad eggs?? Please tell me this is a joke.

My 11 beautiful (we hope) eggs are warming and growing under lights as we speak. Please don't let this be a sign.

No worries, the news report didn't rattle me completely. After the initial disbelief, I went back to feeling optimistic and light as a feather.

Literally, light as a feather. Relatively speaking. After months of feeling bloated and puffy, I had a skinny day. That alone is reason to celebrate.

Here's praying my eggs don't get recalled tomorrow morning during my fertilty report.


  1. I would be more worried about a recall if you were using donor eggs?maybe?.....sorry, bad joke. I should just say I'll follow your blog and keep you in my thoughts!


  2. Hooray for skinny day! And lol at the egg recall. I hadn't thought of that!

  3. Happy ICLW! Hope you get some good news this morning!

    ~ICLW 8

  4. Stopping by from ICLW. Wishing you the best luck on your cycle!

    Take care.
